Learning to Love All Your Parts
I’m learning to love all my parts.
The perfectionistic/inner critic part which shows up often, telling me I need to work harder. Do better. Compare myself to others.
The unworthy part that tells me I need to keep going and that it’s unsafe to stop.
The worrier part that always thinks about the worst-case scenario and is convinced it will happen.
The people-pleasing part that tells me I need to act in certain ways to be worthy of love and acceptance.
The part that keeps me small and quiet because I’m terrified of judgment and what others will think.
And many more.
I always thought the work was talking myself out of the parts, ignoring them, or “mindsetting” them away when in fact the real work is learning to love and accept them.
They want safety, love, and validation- not avoidance and rejection.
“I see you.”
“I’m here.”
“I’m listening.”
“What do you need?”
Every time we give a part what it needs, we integrate it a little more. And we become more free, more balanced, more whole.