Lauren Friedwald Lauren Friedwald

One Simple Mindset Shift To Become More Empowered

For years I looked for the right treatment, for the right doctor to heal me. And while some treatments did help more than others, and I did make more progress with some doctors, I was ultimately disappointed. It was an endless search to find something that would cure me- and I was willing to try anything.

For years I looked for the right treatment, for the right doctor to heal me. And while some treatments did help more than others, and I did make more progress with some doctors, I was ultimately disappointed. It was an endless search to find something that would cure me- and I was willing to try anything.

Then I started doing breathwork, which helped me connect to my body on a deeper level, and I had the realization that my body is able to heal itself. Yes- I need the help of doctors. Yes I need supplements and treatments. But when I saw these things as ways to support my body as it heals- not as things that will cure me- things completely changed.

What if the power of healing was in me all along, and everything outside of me was there to facilitate, guide, support me on the road to healing?

What if we see doctors as guides, sharing their expertise and guidance as our bodies heal?

What if we see supplements, medications, treatments as methods of supporting our bodies as they heal?

What if instead of outsourcing our power, we choose to remember that our bodies are extremely knowledgeable and resilient, and they know exactly what they need to heal?

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